We found a set of three leather theater seats on craigslist for a great price. We drove down to Portland, met a very nice lady, and came home with the chairs. Although the theater room needs the cosmetic finishes, it's up and running and we have gone on a movie marathon. The surround sound is amazing. This theater is close to home, the restroom is clean, and the popcorn doesn't cost an arm and a leg. We'll keep our eye out for another set of four, find some beanbag chairs for kids, and we'll be all set.
Ed has made some decisions about how he wants the finish trim to go down here. I won't spoil it now, but it will involve wood beams and other cavernous details.
In spite of the continued bad weather (more snow and lots of rain) Ed completed the stair rail up to the apartment. He's still not happy with the quality of the product, and may change it out at a later date, but for now at least it's safe.
That's important because we don't want our house sitter falling off the porch. We're taking off for a much needed road trip. We'll visit with good friends, cuddle grandkids, and eat too much. I can hardly wait.
The geode sidelight was installed last month. A special shout out to my
husband for the installation. I did get the hint however that he would
rather no...
8 years ago