Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Keeping your head(er) on straight

First a little housekeeping.. for those of you who tried to pull up the website for the barn, one teenie extra punctuation mark can really mess stuff up.. it's actually I goofed and put in a parentheses where it shouldn't have been. And for the curious, here's a picture of the barn.

Ed is still working on demo on the garage. He said it feels like it's taking forever. But it's out with the old and in with the new. He finished taking out all the old roof joists, took down the garage door opener, and unhooked the electrical on Sunday.

The inside of the garage looks pretty weird without a roof. I keep opening the garage door and being surprised. Plus I've gotten used to storing stuff there...charcoal, extra chicken feed, you know..stuff. Now it's either wet, or relocated and I can't remember where it is.

Monday morning, after some manuevering, Ed figured out how to lift a gazillion pound gluelam header up all by himself. Now you know and I know that he's not called Big Ed for nothing. All that time in the gym comes in handy, but I was a little doubtful. Fortunately he has more than muscle between his ears. He rigged up some 2x6s and chain to the tractor forklift..the boards were notched to keep the chain from slipping down..and eeeever so slowly hoisted that baby up smoooooth as butter! It was pretty amazing!

Tuesday the game was called for rain, so we drove into town for supplies. The bad part is that we're an hour from a town of any size and it takes forever. The good news is..we're an hour away from a town of any size. Anyway between driving and the rain, it pretty much shot one day. Next weekend construction may be pre-empted by mowing. The grass in the pasture is getting so long the dog has to jump up to see where she is. Maybe we should just get sheep....

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