Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bruises, Blisters and Bees

Ed has worked very hard all by himself the last few days. After church on Sunday I helped him put up the east fascia boards. That pretty much consisted of me staying down on the safe part and helping steady the end of the "outrigger" and Ed climbing out onto next to nothing, lifting the heavy part and nailing it in. Then he started nailing plywood to joists, for the new roof. By the end of Sunday he had 3' of plywood on.

Monday he finished the plywood up to the ridge. After thinking for it a bit, he decided to put the plywood to the walls between the side roof and the eyebrow dormer, because getting that plywood cut to fit and installed AFTER the roof is on would be darned difficult!

Tuesday was a lot of hard work for stuff that doesn't photograph well. He finished all the blocking from roof to dormer, and all the vent blocking. Then, bless him, he quit two hours sooner than he would have liked to do a project I had asked him to do before he went back to the "real" job. By the time that was done it was time to pack and say goodbye to a week's worth of vacation time. Some vacation. Bruises, blisters, bee stings! Ed says he has to go back to work to rest up!

1 comment:

  1. Tre: I enjoyed reading this. I designed and helped build the home my ex husband and I owned. I cut every header, rafter joist and helped frame the enterior walls. Mixed mortar for the fireplace, and on and on. It was a great experience and by doing it, I learned a lot about structure. I taught myself to do the floor plans and learned about weight bearing wall and snow load, all from a book my father in-law used when he built his home. The building inspector was amazed that I was the one who had done it all, including the property line drawings. I love learning anything I can learn because knowledge is the one thing that can never be taken away from you by anyone or any tax department, LOL. Will be back to check your progress. Have fun and good luck. Joan
